Choose whataver you need!
Dr Rakesh for your health
Online Ayurvedic Consultation
Suggestions based on the individual's personal body type and imbalances.
The suggestions cover diet, lifestyle, habits, and everyday experiences.
Using only natural remedies.
Dr Rakesh for your health
Marma treatment
Better sleep quality
One of the positive side effects is better sleep quality.
Deep physical and mental relaxation
Egy páratlan kombinációja a mély megpihenésnek.
Supports the healing process
Your physical and mental recovery is supported by the delicate and gentle marma treatment.
Dr Rakesh for your health
Everyone can perform the exercises according to the capabilities of their own body.
Theory and Practice
The classes are not only about practicing asanas and breathing exercises, but also provide theoretical background knowledge.
Your teacher, Dr. Rakesh, as an Indian Ayurvedic doctor, combines thousands of years of knowledge from his home country, India, in his yoga classes.
Double consultation for your health
Integrated consultation
To be well globally is to be well physically and mentally as well. Everyone can achieve this, and with our expertise in Ayurveda and Psychology, we support everyone in achieving it. Neither the body nor the mind can be treated independently of each other which is why we pay attention to both to ensure that your well-being and health is complete.
5 alkalomból álló csomag:
A kedvezmény egy főnél érvényes és 3 hònapig használhatò fel.
Personalised support
Specially designed for your needs and wishes!
Holistic approach
Unique combination of our expertise in Ayurveda and Psychology
Supporting your healing process
We support your physical and mental healing together!
TAke the first step for yourself!
Book an appointment!
You can register for an Ayurvedic consultation and marma treatment through email. You can sign up for yoga classes and other classes under events. You can register for my online courses under online courses in the menu bar.
In Budapest or online
Contact me at